Women Wednesday – Dynamic Pistol
From: $65.00
Purpose: Main purpose of Women Wednesday Dynamic Pistol Training is to give all female attendees the opportunity to become more confident, agile, and proficient with their personal kits and weapon systems.
Method: A 2-Hour time block and 50-YARD range shall be utilized for this period of instruction (participants will go forward of the line). Classroom time will be limited to introduction of 717 Armory Instructors, roll call and accountability, gear overview (making sure all female participants have appropriate gear), answer questions and/or concerns for the day’s event.
End State: All participants attending the Women Wednesday Dynamic Pistol Training class will have an in-depth introduction to:
- Proper use of a holster
- Drawing from a holster
- Reloading a pistol
- Moving while engaging
- Working around hard cover (barricade)
Required Gear:
- Pistol Calibers (9mm, .22LR, .380 Auto, .45 ACP, 5.7x28mm)
- Outside the Waistband (OWB) Holster
- Ammo Retention Method (Magazine Pouches)
- Durable Belt to hold Holster and Ammo
- Ear and Eye Protection
- 100 Rounds of Ammo
Classroom Instruction:
- Lesson Overview
- Instructor Review of Individual Pistol Set Ups
- Range Safety
- Ear, Eye, Ammo Check
Course of Fire:
- Holster Placement – Instructors will evaluate the positioning and retention of each shooter holster prior to any live fire.
- Holster Presentation/Retention – Introduce proper and effective holster presentation drills.
- Target Engagement from Holster: 27-Rounds
> (3) Rounds from Holster @ 5-Yards (X3)
> (3) Rounds from Holster @ 10-Yards (X3)
> (3) Rounds from Holster @ 15-Yards (X3)
Reloading Drills: 10-Rounds
> Instructors will teach both Tactical Reload and Emergency Reload
> (1) Rounds from holster, reload, (1) round (X5) [shooters will maintain (1) empty magazine for this drill to prevent avoidable loss of ammunition as loaded mags hit the ground]
- Movement Drills from Holster: 15-RDS
> Instructors will teach movement (combat glide)
> From 15-Yards to 5-Yards, draw from holster and engage with 5-Rounds (X3)
- Multi Target Engagements 20-Rounds – (2) Rounds on (2) Targets, (2 left, 2 right) [reload as needed] (X5)
- Baricade Drills – Shooters will be introduced to manipulating a pistol around sources of hard cover. Pistols are the ideal weapon for everyday carry. In self-defense situations, finding cover, and being able to move around cover is vital to survival.
- “X” Drill: 2-Rounds High left, 2-Rounds Low Right, 2-Rounds High Right, 2-Rounds Low Left:
X2 16-Rounds
Total Rounds: 88